South Energy have reached a significant milestone in the development process of a utility scale solar farm in the south-west of Western Australia. In support of Western Australia’s Energy Transformation Target, the Waroona Solar Farm was considered and approved by the Mid-West/Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) in November 2019.
After performing extensive research, community consultations and council meetings, the representative of the JDAP had granted the application subject to conditions. The Waroona Solar Farm will be located on a 308-hectare site, 11km out of Waroona or around 117km south of Perth.
The development is expected to boost local economy in these regions and contribute to maintaining electricity supply for WA, in light of the retirement of the ageing conventional fossil-fuel power stations in the coming years. The project will provide local employment job opportunities in construction and ongoing maintenance.
The next important milestone for the project is securing grid connection. We are actively working with Western Power and expect to provide updates in the coming months.