Generator Performance Standards Approval for Frasers Solar Farm

South Energy is pleased to announce that the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has completed its assessment of the Generator Performance Standards (GPS) for the Frasers Solar Farm (the Project) and has issued approval pursuant to clause 5.3.4A of the National Electricity Rules.

The Project will be connected to AusNet Services’ existing Morwell-Maffra 66 kV distribution powerline adjacent to the project site. AEMO, via the distribution network service provider AusNet, has determined that the Project can operate in accordance with the required standards, after completion of a range of detailed studies including a full impact assessment.

“The GPS approval is an extensive and at times complex process. We are very pleased to have received this approval and would like to express our gratitude to both AEMO and AusNet for their continued support throughout journey, culminating in South Energy achieving this great milestone for the Project,” said Johan Laban, South Energy Technical Director.

The 77 MW Frasers Solar Farm is located within the Latrobe City, approximately 13 km northeast of Traralgon and 120 km east of Melbourne, and is one of the first utility-scale renewable energy projects proposed in the Latrobe Valley – which is traditionally known as the centre of Victoria’s energy industry and has underpinned decades of Victoria’s economic prosperity.  The Project is expected to generate enough green energy to power approximately 29,000 households and help the valley transit beyond coal towards a more sustainable future. The planning permit for the Project was approved by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) in September 2020.

AusNet General Manager Network Strategy and Planning, Rod Jones, said: “We are pleased to be working with South Energy to help the energy sector transition to renewable energy and to help meet Victoria and Australia’s emission reduction targets.”

South Energy is currently working with AusNet on the connection contracts and with potential off-takers on the power purchase agreements, with the aim of achieving financial close by the end of 2022 and construction commencement in early 2023.