Optimising the value of your land with solar farming
South Energy is currently developing one of the most advanced solar energy project pipelines in Australia and would love to hear from landowners who are interested in a partnership with us.
We highly encourage you to speak to us if you are a landowner who wishes to take part in a solar farm development and the clean energy revolution that help Australia move towards a greener and sustainable future.
Our team will check if your land is suitable for solar farming. This may involve a site inspection and desktop studies. In general, an ideal solar farm site needs to have:
- A minimum of 250 acres (100 hectares) in size
- Close to high voltage electricity network
- Relatively cleared and flat
- Relatively free from natural constraints
- Not prone to severe flooding

One of the biggest challenges we face today is climate change. The risks are not only affecting us locally but also on a global scale, and this is why a joint effort is required from everyone to combat this disastrous change.
Australia is one of the countries with the greatest solar resource in the world and can provide enough clean energy to support the demand for electricity. Furthermore, harnessing the sun to produce electricity is safe, secure and reliable.

Construction of a solar farm is a huge undertaking and can create hundreds of jobs, some of which include civil, electrical, mechanical, concreting, steel, fencing, landscaping and transportation works.
After completion, there will also be jobs available to ensure optimal, efficient, and safe solar farm operation in the next 30 years. The jobs created will help strengthen and diversify the economy, providing growth to the skilled workforce and economic output of the municipality.
With the influx of workers, local districts are likely to see opportunities for commercial expansion, where there is an increased demand for supplies to accommodate the increased population. Some of the businesses include accommodation, eateries and catering, tool and equipment supplies and vehicle servicing.
The local community may also see an increase in eco-tourism, as visitors such as environmentalists, researchers and educational school tours are likely to visit, creating a solid stream of tourists for the region as well as promoting an environmentally friendly living style.

In 2021, the Australian Government announced a commitment to net zero-emissions by 2050. By having more grid-connected renewable energy generations such as solar farming, we are helping Australia to contribute as a global citizen.
According to a survey undertaken by Clean Energy Council in mid-2019, more than 25,000 Australians were employed in the renewable energy industry, with this number expected to climb to 44,000 by 2025.
Around 70% of these employments dispersed outside capital cities across Australia, and over half of all renewable energy jobs could be ongoing in operation and maintenance roles. Not only are these jobs crucial to rural communities, but their positive flow-on effect is felt through local supply chains.